Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009



Of the 17,000 islands that make up the archipelago of the Republic of Indonesia, Java has historically been considered the heartland. Where Java has led-culturally, economically and politically down through the centuries, other regions have followed. On Java, still the most densely populated island of Indonesia, there are five Provinces. West Java is the largest, with the greatest population, and, some would claim, with the most pride.

West Java Province is located at part of western Java Island. The enchanting of Sunda land stretches from Sunda Strait in the west to the borders of Central Java in the east. The locals' people know West Java Province as the Land of Sunda. The region is primarily mountainous, with rich green valleys hugging lofty volcanic peaks, many of which surround the capital of West Java province. The history of West Java is a story of trade, spices, and the rise and fall of powerful kingdoms. In the late 1500's the region was ruled from mighty Cirebon, which still survives as a sultanate today, although a shadow of its former glory. West Java was of the first contact points in Indonesia for Indian traders and their cultural influences, and it was here that the Dutch and British first set foot in the archipelago.

This province has its own unique culture and language, both called Sundanese that is also used to call its people. The ancient kingdoms of Tarumanegara, Pajajaran, Banten and Cirebon would make interesting studies for the student of archaeology. Cirebon is located on the border between West and Central Java, having a mixed culture originating from the ancient Cirebon and Banten kingdoms, resulting in similar customs and dialects of the two people, although Banten is located at the extreme western part of the province.

West Java province its self, is formed based on the Constitution number 11/1950 on the establishment of West Java. With the issuance of Constitution number 23/2000 on Banten Province, West Java Governor Assisting Territory I Banten was inaugurated as Banten Province with its territories comprising Serang Regency, Pandeglang Regency, Lebak Regency, Tangerang Regency and Mayoralty, and Cilegon Mayoralty. After the change, at present West Java consists of 18 regencies, nine mayoralties, 584 districts, 5,201 villages and 609 sub districts.
The capital city of West Java province is Bandung city. Bandung is situated 180 km southeast of Jakarta. The city gamed fame in 1955 as the venue for the first Afro-Asian Conference, which brought together the leaders of 29 Asian, and African nations with the aim to promote economic and cultural relations and take a common stand against colonialism.

The road from Jakarta to Bandung passes through a beautiful panorama of mountains, paddy fields and small holiday resorts. An expressway connects the crowded capital city with Bogor and the mountain areas, and onward to Bandung. It has a number of sea resorts on its western and southern coasts, which have modern hotels and are popular during the weekends. The Sundanese people are soft-spoken. The women of the Bandung region are known for their beauty. A lighthearted people who have a love for bright colors, their mournful "kecapi" music is memory of beautiful legends.

Geographically, West Java Province is situated between 5 50'-7 50' South parallels and 104 48'-104 48 East meridians.
West Java Province is bordered of:
North side: Java Sea and Jakarta
West side: Banten Province and Hindia Ocean
South side: Hindia Ocean
East side: Central Java Province.
This strategic geographical condition is an advantage for West Java particularly in communication and transportation. Northern region is plain area, while southern part is a hilly area with beaches, and the middle region is mountainous area. But after the establishment of Banten Province, the size of West Java becomes 35,746.26 kilometer square.

West Java has a characteristic as part of a volcanic belt, which spans from Sumatra Island to the northern part of Sulawesi Island. Its land can be divided into a region with steep mountains with altitude of more than 1,500 meter above the sea level in the South, moderate hill with elevation of 100 to 1,500 meters, and plain region in the north with elevation between 0 and 10 meters and river region.

West Java has tropical climate with temperature reaching 9 degrees Celsius at the Peak of Mount Pangrango and 34 degrees Celsius in north beach. The average rainfall is at 2,000 millimeters per year, but in the mountainous areas the rainfall could reach 3,000 to 5,000 millimeters per year.


Based on the national census in 1999, West Java population after the separation of Banten stood at 34,555,622 people. In 2000, based on another census, the population grew to 35,500,611 people with population density of 1,022 inhabitants per square kilometer. The population growth between 1990 and 2000 reached 2.17 %. In 2003, the population has increased to 38,059,540 people with population density of 1,064 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Yakin Kiamat 2012?

March 18th, 2009

mayancalendar2012Mendadak dunia heboh dan gempar dengan gosip akan adanya kiamat pada 2012. Siapa yang harus bertanggungjawab?? Adalah kaum maya yang meramalkannya jauh-jauh hari lalu. Bagi yang belum tahu banyak apa-apa tentang ramalan itu dan siapa itu kaum maya. Silahkan searching di atau situs pencari yang lain. Insya Alloh akan ada begitu banyak artikel yang membahasnya.

Pada penutupan tahun 2008 M seperti biasa Indonesia melakukan ritual bertanya-tanya pada peramal ternama Indonesia, macam Mama Laurent, Ki Joko Bodo dan lain sebagainya tentang nasib bangsa ini. Semua sepakat bahwa daya terawangnya untuk melihat masa depan, mandeg di angka tahun 2012 M. Dan seperti diamini para peramal sejenis, mereka menduga dunia akan berakhir pada 21 Desember 2012. Ramalan itu makin dikuatkan fakta tentang fenomena yang terjadi belakangan ini. Bencana alam dimana-mana, global warming, kemerosotan moral dan tanda-tanda lainnya.

Makin santer dan yakinlah bahwa memang akan terjadi kiamat pada tahun 2012. Astaghfirullah.. Adakah dari teman-teman yang juga manggut-manggut saja dan tidak meragukan dengan isu itu?? Bahkan mulai mempercayainya dan tercekam pada ketakutan. Masya Allah.. Istighfar teman!!!

Sesungguhnya kiamat itu rahasiaNya. Tiada yang tahu, kapan datangnya hari kiamat itu. Walau hadirnya adalah pasti. Wallahu alam…

Sedangkan jatah usia kita saja, merupakan rahasiaNya. Tak ada yang menduga mungkin izrail sedang bersiap-siap dan mengendap-endap hendak menjemput kita. Entah kapan kita tak tahu itu.

Jadi untuk apa kita percaya pada bualan kaum yang notabenenya hanya sebuah ciptaan layaknya kita. Sungguh hanya Sang Penciptalah yang tahu tentang awal dan akhir, tentang ada dan tiada. Siapa yang takut mati? Padahal mati itu pasti dan hanya matilah jalan kita berjumpa denganNYA. Siapa yang ingin segera mati?? Padahal waktu telah terbuang sia-sia. Khilaf, salah dan dosa ramah menyapa. Siapa yang ragu akan mati?? Padahal maut siap menghampiri kapan saja, dimana saja dan siapa saja. Kiamat itu pasti. Mati itu pasti. Namun semua adalah rahasiaNYA. Kepastian-kepastian yang tersembunyi. Lantas apa yang bisa kita lakukan saat ini?

  1. Bertaubat. Tak terhitung lagi dosa-dosa yang telah tercipta, entah sengaja maupun tidak, entah sadar maupun tidak. Semua dosa yang melebur setelah tertempa 30 hari puasa, kembali menyapa di hari berikutnya. Sadarkah kita?? Lembaran putih pun memburam karena titik-titik noda. Mari bertaubat.. Tak sekedar taubat sambal tentunya. Tapi taubat nasuha, meninggalkan kesia-siaan dan tidak mengulanginya lagi. Memang berat, tapi mengingat bahwa usia itu rapuh, maka tak ada salahnya selagi kita masih bisa menghela nafas, kita instropeksi diri dan bertaubat. Tidak ada jaminan kita masih bernyawa esok hari.
  2. Perbanyak beristighfar. Daripada lisan hanya digunakan membual dan menggosip, mending dipakai untuk beristighfar. Ingat pula bahwa kita memiliki ladang dosa yang subur karena ketajaman lisan.
  3. Mendekatkan diri padaNYA. Selangkah saja kita menujuNYA, berlari-lari DIA menjemput dan menyambut kita.
  4. Saling menasehati dalam kebaikan. Jangan jadi si egois!! Bila mampu, tegurlah orang sekitar kita. Tak harus dengan kata membentak, memaksa maupun kasar. Bila dengan kata maupun sikap tidak ada daya, selipkan namanya dalam doa kita. Moga Alloh mengingatkan yang lupa dengan cara terbaikNYA.

Entah detik setelah ini, menit setelah ini, jam setelah ini, hari setelah ini, minggu, bulan hingga tahun setelah ini, andai jatah usia masih tersisa. Maka syukurilah, bukan dengan hura-hura pesta. Tapi mari perbaiki ibadah kita, mari benahi langkah kita, mari rapatkan barisan kita. Bismillah.. Ingat 3 M kan? Mulai dari yang kecil. Mulai dari diri sendiri. Mulai sekarang juga.


Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold
my favorite band :)

Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold
Huntington Beach, California, 1999

Biografi :
Avenged Sevenfold adalah grup musik heavy metal yang dibentuk di Huntington Beach, California pada 1999. Personelnya terdiri atas M. Shadows (vokal), Synyster Gates (lead guitar), Zacky Vengeance (guitar), Johnny Christ (bass), dan The Reverend (drum). Serta dua mantan personelnya Dameon Ash dan Justin Sane yang telah hengkan dari grup ini.

Album pertama Avenged Sevenfold berjudul Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (2002), disusul album kedua Waking the Fallen (2003). Dalam album kedua grup ini tampil bersama Xl Rose, Kylie Minogue dan Chris Cornell. Disusul kemudian album City of Evil (2005) dan Avenged Sevenfold (2007).

Grup yang pernah mangung di Jakarta pada 7 Agustus 2007 itu, belakangan memilih jalur musik pop. Hal ini, konon setelah menuai kritik akibat banyak karyanya 'mengadopsi' effec suara yang telah hit sebelumnya. Mereka mengaku heavy metal tidak cocok bagi dirinya, dan lebih menyukai musik pop.


David Archuleta

David Archuleta :)
i really like david !
his voice is so good !!
haha(capruk guw)

David's profil :
  • Birth Place: Miami, FL
  • Date of Birth / Zodiac Sign: 12/28/1990, Capricorn
  • Profession: Reality cast member; singer
    David Archuleta Fast Facts:
    • Started singing at age 7, but stopped for several years when it was discovered that he had a paralyzed vocal chord.
    • Appeared on The Jenny Jones Show to sing "And I Am Telling You" from Dreamgirls.
    • Won the Junior category on Star Search in 2003, when he was 12.
    • Takes voice lessons from the same vocal coach as previous American Idol contestant Carmen Rasmusen.
    • Runner-up for Season 7 of American Idol; winner was David Cook.
    • David Archuleta Relationships:
    • Amber Archuleta - Sister
    • Claudia Archuleta - Sister
    • Daniel Archuleta - Brother
    • Jazzy Archuleta - Sister
    • Jeff Archuleta - Father
    • Lupe Archuleta - Mother